Global Keynote Speaker on AI and co-founder of Conscium

For more than a decade, Calum has been a global keynote speaker, delivering insightful, entertaining, and inspirational talks on artificial intelligence, specialising in the future of AI and its impacts on all of us – our societies and our economies.

He is also one of the founders of Conscium, a startup aiming to develop indicators of machine intelligence, and aiming to scale neuromorphic computing.

Calum’s talks cover digital disruption, the future of jobs, the future of health, the impact on various economic sectors, and much more.

Calum has given talks on AI in 18 countries on five continents and is available for speaking engagements worldwide and virtually.

He has written four books on AI – two novels and two non-fiction – and numerous articles, many of which you can find on this website.

He co-hosts the London Futurist Podcast, a weekly series of 30-minute discussions about AI and related subjects like the use of data, longevity research, and the simulation hypothesis. They feature informed, articulate guests talking about a future which is exciting, but not immune to risk and disappointment.

Before becoming a full-time writer and speaker, Calum had a 30-year career in journalism and in business, as a marketer, a strategy consultant and a CEO. His talks are inspirational, but also grounded by the pragmatic realism developed during this career.

Calum studied philosophy, politics, and economics at Oxford University, which confirmed his suspicion that science fiction is actually philosophy in fancy dress.

Thought-provoking talks on AI

What is AI?

A real understanding of what AI is, and isn’t, and why it is important

Why is AI so important?

An insight into the magnitude of what’s coming

How will AI affect us all?

A message of hope and wonder 

“For our 2021 P&G Personal Development week we invited Calum to give a talk on why digital is an important aspect during these days. It was great! The senior people all stayed to the end. That almost never happens! He is a truly exceptional guest speaker. He has such charisma and at the same time humility. Calum’s focus on the power of Digitalization has never been more relevant than now. He provided such great insight and examples on where the future may bring , how and why we need to adjust to the technological wave that is coming. We were talking about him hours after his presentation and what a superb speaker he was – I couldn’t recommend him enough.”  P&G


“Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to see Calum Chace speak about the societal impact of Artificial Intelligence in the future. Hands down, the most thought provoking presentation I’ve ever seen. It is a life changing perspective of things that you don’t have to be a technology geek to appreciate.” Network Alliance, Maryland, USA

Calum Chace at speaking event at ICT 4.



Artificial intelligence is our most powerful technology, and in the coming decades it will change everything in our lives …

Surviving AI book cover authored by Calum Chace.


“Read The Economic Singularity if you want to think intelligently about the future.”
Aubrey de Grey

The Economic Singularity authored by the best-selling author Calum Chace.
Pandora's Oracle book cover authored by Calum Chace sequel to the best-selling Pandora's Brain.


The mind of a student named Matt has been uploaded into a supercomputer, but before he can achieve a fraction …

Pandora's Brain book cover author Calum Chace.


Around half the scientists researching artificial intelligence (AI) think that a conscious AI at or beyond human level will be created by 2050 …

Collection of short stories

In 2017 I co-founded a think tank focused on the future of jobs, the Economic Singularity Foundation.  

The Foundation has published Stories from 2045, a collection of short stories written by its members.  
